Monday, May 14, 2007

Brown sugar is healthier than white sugar... NOT

Yup, the title is exactly the reason why this post was created.

My supervisor at work always says that "brown sugar is natural, hence it's healthy. White sugars are just white poison."

Being a bit of a health freak myself, I am quite susceptible to any information that has anything to do with the things I put into my mouth. Both facts and myths.
But this question has been bugging me since I can remember... so it's about time I find out the answer for myself - and you guys too :)

A search in google (or iGoogle for that matter) on "brown sugar vs white sugar" shows that many people are actually very interested to know the FACTS as well.

Sooo... without further ado... here you go:
1. 10 Diet & Nutrition Myths Debunked
2. White sugar vs raw sugar
3. Sugar & Artificial Sweeteners (Go to Q: "How does sugar effect your body?")

Heh heh...
It's white sugar for me then ;)


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